Rock solid WordPress security at dazzling fast speed
6 reasons why WebPro is a better alternative to Wordfence
Secure your site in 3 minsHigh demand or low, pricing stays the same
We are upfront & transparent with our pricing. WebPro ensures your website's safety without charging you for any surge or high demand.
No bloating of your WordPress
WebPro comes with an intuitive dashboard that sits outside your WordPress dashboard. Thus your WP back-end is not bloated & stays super fast.
Adding exception rules
The biggest concern with firewalls is blocking of legitimate users - we understand that. WebPro is made to assure security doesn't come at the cost of user experience. Whitelist URLs, GET, POST, Json etc by a click of a button & WebPro won't scan those in the whitelisted list. The makes super simple for you to tailor WebPro to custom code you might have written.
Not just WordPress
While WordPress might be the most popular technology out there, but businesses use other technologies too. In addition to WordPress, WebPro is tailored to Magento, Prestashop, OpenCart, Drupal, Joomla etc. You don't have to worry about exploring a different solution because you're changing your technology. WebPro will accompany you with whichever technology you switch to.
Vulnerability Assessment & Penetration Testing
While firewall assures that website is protected in real time, WebPro's security audit assessment assures that already written code is bug free. With the right mix of automated & even manual analysis WebPro assures that all your website's vulnerabilities are uncovered.
Fear hackers? Make them your supporters instead
Hackers often end up causing disruption because they do not get the right channel to responsibly disclosure a vulnerability. Lend a friendly hand to developers by running your very own Bug Bounty program to reward hackers for finding vulnerabilities in your website. Completely managed by WebPro experts.